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The Windows
The East Window

Above all stands the Dove, the symbol of the Holy Spirit.

The Four Evangelists
St. Matthew 

To trace our Lord’s human decent, emphasised by St. Matthew, this light shows the Tree of Jesse, with Abraham, David, Solomon, Joram and Zadok.
Above – Jesus in Glory with our Lady and St. Joseph.
Below – the Nativity.

St. Matthew’s symbol is the Face of a Man.

St. Mark

He holds a crozier as Bishop of Alexandria. The budding tree, butterflies and roses are symbolic of the Resurrection.

Below – the Risen Lord.

St. Mark’s symbol is a Lion.

St. Luke

He holds a pen. The thorn in the background is a reminder of the legend that Joseph of Arimathea planted his staff at Glastonbury, where it took root, flowering at Christmas.

Below – the Crucifixion.

St. Luke’s symbol is the Calf.

At the top of these two central lights, angels are distributing the Rivers of Salvation.

St. John

He holds his Gospel at the opening words ‘In principio erat Verbum’ (‘In the beginning was the Word’). The Vine illustrates Chapter 15 Verse 5.

Above – the Chalice with a dragon, illustrating the legend that St. John drank from a poison without effect. Beneath – the Transfiguration.

St. John’s symbol is the Eagle.

The South East Window

The arms of the See of Lincoln.

St. Clement (Phillippians iv, 3)

​Wears a toga and white tunica with purple stripes and carries a crozier as Bishop of Rome. The anchor reminds us of his death by drowning. The scene below recalls a legend that the Lamb guided him to a stream of living water.

The name Clement was that of the Rev. C. Elsmere.

St. Leonard

A French nobleman who became the patron saint of prisoners wears a dalmatic over the alb with the fleur-de-lis of France. Below, he is in prison, in Benedictine garb.

Spitalgate’s old hospital was St. Leonard’s.

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